16 Ottobre 2024

Centre for Peace Studies - Non-Profit Organisation

04-07-2015 19:22 - Generic
12-07-2014 22:05 - Generic
12-07-2014 21:42 - Generic
22-04-2014 19:03 - Generic
21-04-2013 15:10 - Generic
22-11-2012 20:45 - Generic
Bees: Indicators of sustainability
04-03-2016 22:05 - Generic
This year too, thanks to the work carried out by Dr. Olivero Carlo, an experienced beekeeper from Cuneo, training and refresher courses in the field of beekeeping were held from January 10th-30th, 2016, in Madrugada and in numerous villages, with the participation of many beekeepers interested in improving the production and quality of their honey.
Preservation methods: Desiccation
04-03-2016 21:39 - Generic
Training courses were held in March 2015 for the realization of solar food dryers for use in the family or in entire villages.
The training of women in the villages of Guinea Bissau continues.
04-03-2016 21:21 - Generic
All those who took part in the training course held in January 2015 by Centro Studi per la pace Onlus and with the collaboration of Alessandro Mazzali, a member of the Association Cuochi Senza Barriere of Milan, are continuing to teach what they have learned to women in other more distant villages.
The entire project has been made possible thanks to the tireless work of Tania Gomes Fendam, President of the NGO "Amigos da Guinea Bissau".
See our photographic documentation. These pictures definitely speak louder than words….
3rd Edition of "The Earth Charter in Schools" project.
11-10-2015 19:02 - Generic
The non-profit organisation Centro Studi per la Pace Onlus has launched its 3rd edition of "The Earth Charter in Schools" project open to all the schools in the Province of Cuneo. The project is mentioned on the website ´World Peace Unify - Global Events Map´ at:


The materials for Teachers and Students can be found in and downloaded in PDF from the "Projects" area.
"Charity Event 2015"
04-07-2015 19:22 - Generic
A Charity Event organized by the Centro Studi per la Pace Onlus was held on Saturday June 20th at the ´Palatenda´ of Demonte, Cuneo. Our sincere thanks for the successful outcome of the event go to our supporters, Pier H2o, Orso Bianco, Cantine Cagnassi, Aimaretti Prociuttificio, Mago Gelo, Ecotecnologie, Tropical Frutta, Nord Gel, Dogliani Vini, Molino Squillario, Inaudi, Caseificio Vallestura, Nordica Costruzioni and to the Sezione Alpini of Demonte, in particolar to Beppe Parola who masterfully directed the cuisine, and to all those who kindly gave a helping hand. The proceeds will be us...
2nd Edition of the "The Earth charter in Schools" Project
22-04-2015 21:09 - Generic
What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to announce the winners of the 2nd Edition of the "The Earth charter in Schools" Project:

For the Secondary school category:
First prize of 500 euros goes to Class 3E of the´ Istituto Comprensivo S. Grandis´ of Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN); "Their work fully represents the sense of Article16 of the Earth Charter. The students have proficiently expressed their dreams as conscious citizens of the world";

For the High School category:
First prize of 500 euros goes to Class 2 - Operatore Elettrico - Istituto Professionale ENAIP of Cuneo; "Not only did the s...
"Preservation and Processing of local food products"
02-02-2015 21:52 - Generic
The "Preservation and Processing of local food products" programme was launched in January in collaboration with the Association "Cuochi Senza Barriere" (Chefs Without Barriers), with the aim to sustain the population of Guinea Bissau by improving their state of health through a balanced diet. Each year, malnutrition kills between three and five million children under 5 years of age. There are many photos of starving children that are part of the collective consciousness, but the reality is that many children are suffering from malnutrition in silence and away from the spotlight. Insufficie...
The "Earth Charter in Schools" project goes to UNESCO
11-01-2015 11:57 - Generic
The "Earth Charter in Schools" project firmly supported and desired by the Italian non-profit organisation Centro Studi per la Pace, Demonte (CN), was added to a collection of experiences on the adoption of the Earth Charter in education, entitled "The Heart of Matter: Infusing Sustainability Values in Education" and presented at the UNESCO WORLD CONFERENCE ON ESD held in Japan " downloadable at: http://www.earthcharterinaction.org/invent/details.php?id=989.
Beekeeping in Guinea Bissau
12-10-2014 16:35 - Generic
September 26th 2014 marked the conclusion of the mission in Guinea Bissau dedicated to Beekeeping, carried out thanks to volunteer Dr. Giuseppe Puglisi, vet and beekeeper from Cuneo.
In collaboration with the area´s different realities, the Centre for Peace Studies of Demonte conducted two training courses to improve and expand beekeeping expertise so as to enable the local beekeepers to obtain honey of a higher quality than that produced currently.
Bees are one of the most vital links in the global ecosystem. Their pollinating activities guarantee 30% of the world´s production of food and,...
Solar food dehydrator
12-07-2014 22:05 - Generic
The project was donated by PS76 Onlus of Genoa. CSpace made the dehydrator manually with wood and recycled plastic bottles, and then tried it out in Italy with food products that are found in Africa (bananas, tomatoes, apples, fish, etc.) - the results obtained were excellent. The next missions to be carried out in Guinea Bissau by CSpace will include on-site training courses to enable the local people to become autonomous in making the dryer themselves for family use.
12-07-2014 21:42 - Generic
On July 3rd, 2014, two women from Ivory Coast and one from Cameroon attended a training session organised by CSpace. These women will now be able to teach other operators how to make the nutritional paste in their respective countries of origin.
The same women were also shown the food dehydrator project, donated by PS76 Onlus of Genoa, a highly appreciated method of food preservation that is extremely easy to use.
Violence leads to more violence
06-04-2013 - Generic
[Costruttori di Pace]
What each of us can do to contribute to creating a culture of non-violence is reduce violence and find new purposes in life. We do not need to identify the perpetrators, but we do need to figure out how to stop them. Ignorance certainly is the cause of all global conflicts, it cannot, however, be considered a crime, it doesn´t deserve to be condemned, it has to be eliminated with love. We have to understand that if there are still so many of us in the world today, it is because its balance does not rely on the force of arms, but on the strength of love and truth. In fact, millions of famili...

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