Nutritional Project

Specific aims:
First phase:
Second phase:
Interviews were carried out to:
a) Eng. Angelo Mendonca (Director of the Cooperative Madrugada);
b) Oscar Bosisio (Manager of the health facility "Ceù e Terras and Kibinti Onlus";
c) Tania Gomes Fendam (Director of the NGO Amigos da Guinè Bissau);
d) Josè Antonio Sanches Tavares (Director of Information and Deputy Director of Guinea Bissau Television - ECP);
e) Adao Rodrigues (Director of the Associacao dos Apicultores do Leste - in Gabù)
Campaign to raise awareness of environmental sustainability through:
a) acknowledgement of the 3rd supplement Boletim Oficial (Decree) n°27, issued by the Government of Guinea-Bissau on November 7, 2013, concerning the ban on the manufacture, import and use of plastic material, to be replaced with the materials listed in Chapter III art. 5 of the same.
b) informing the associations in Guinea Bissau that are cooperating with the CSPace Onlus on the possibility of replacing plastic materials with compostable materials.
2) Training course
a) at the Associacao dos Apicultores dos Leste in Gabù on January 22, 2014.
b) at the "Copperativa Madrugada" Centre in Bissau on January 23 and 24, 2014.
3) Production
a) SIRMAN Cutter C9 VV
b) BOMANN Mixer KM1903 CB
both of which were donated by CSPace.
A news report on the project was broadcast on Guinea Bissau state television on January 26 and 27, 2014.
Rehabilitation in cases of severe malnutrition in children under the age of five years; Selection of and support for pregnant women, with particular attention to those infected with HIV/AIDS;
To promote the satisfactory utilisation of the basic health services and healthy conducts in the communities;To promote Basic Health Units in villages beyond a distance of 10 km from a health Centre.
To promote the satisfactory utilisation of the basic health services and healthy conducts in the communities;To promote Basic Health Units in villages beyond a distance of 10 km from a health Centre.
First phase:
On August 29, 2013, a delegation of volunteers of the Italian non-profit organisation "Centro Studi per la Pace Onlus" of Demonte (CN) set out on a journey to Tanzania, and specifically to the Nutritional Centre of the Università Internazionale della Pace - Giorgio La Pira - based in Kongwa, in order to forward a first batch of a nutritional food paste to Guinea Bissau for undernourished children there. This operation was carried out successfully, 300 of the jars having arrived at destination and having been received by the centre in Gabù which follows most of the malnourished and underweight children.
Second phase:
a) At the clinic "Ceù e Terras", 15 pregnant women suffering from Hiv/Aids, a part of whom anaemic and another part non-anaemic (demonstrated by laboratori analysis) were subjected to nutritional care. After 15/20 days, in the anaemic women the haemoglobin count increased from 3 to 8, and from 10 to 14 in the non-anaemic group of women. No improvement was found in only one of the cases, as it wasn't known until after medical examination that the patient was suffering from malaria.
b) At the Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre of Gabù, 33 malnourished children from the age of 5 and under were treated with the food paste. In two months, all the children gained weight - on average over 1 kg - as well as in height and skull circumference.
Interviews were carried out to:
a) Eng. Angelo Mendonca (Director of the Cooperative Madrugada);
b) Oscar Bosisio (Manager of the health facility "Ceù e Terras and Kibinti Onlus";
c) Tania Gomes Fendam (Director of the NGO Amigos da Guinè Bissau);
d) Josè Antonio Sanches Tavares (Director of Information and Deputy Director of Guinea Bissau Television - ECP);
e) Adao Rodrigues (Director of the Associacao dos Apicultores do Leste - in Gabù)
Campaign to raise awareness of environmental sustainability through:
a) acknowledgement of the 3rd supplement Boletim Oficial (Decree) n°27, issued by the Government of Guinea-Bissau on November 7, 2013, concerning the ban on the manufacture, import and use of plastic material, to be replaced with the materials listed in Chapter III art. 5 of the same.
b) informing the associations in Guinea Bissau that are cooperating with the CSPace Onlus on the possibility of replacing plastic materials with compostable materials.
2) Training course
a) at the Associacao dos Apicultores dos Leste in Gabù on January 22, 2014.
b) at the "Copperativa Madrugada" Centre in Bissau on January 23 and 24, 2014.
3) Production
On January 25, 2014, at the "Cooperativa Madrugada" Centre in Bissau, the trainees produced the first jars of the food paste utilising the following equipment:
a) SIRMAN Cutter C9 VV
b) BOMANN Mixer KM1903 CB
both of which were donated by CSPace.
A news report on the project was broadcast on Guinea Bissau state television on January 26 and 27, 2014.