23 Febbraio 2025


results: 1-3 / 3
Projects in schools on the principles of the Earth Charter
To confirm, please send an email to: presidente@centrostudiperlapace.it communicating the data of the teacher/s, the school/s and the number of students participating per class. The above procedure is to be carried out in order that the schools'/students' works included in the project can be exam...
Project: "Me and the others"
2nd Edition 2014/2015 - Project on the Principles of the Earth Charter in Italian Schools
The NGO Centro Studi per la Pace Onlus has endorsed and is sustaining the Earth Charter, a universal declaration of human, environmental, plant and animal sustainability, thus acknowledging the principles of the Charter for the construction of a global, just and peaceful society. CSPace is about ...
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